deep cleveland junkmail oracle publishes a poem 'o the week every monday. the poem 'o the week is always a cleveland-themed poem. we are interested in work that paints the city & its inhabitants in all of its/their honest, unrelenting magnificent shortcomings & glory. when you submit to dcjo, please include an introduction to your work, state your name, put your work in the body of the message & always send a bio including publishing credits, if any. put the word 'submission' on the subject line. if you MUST send an attachment, only send a microsoft word attachment and make sure your name is included inside along with the material. no rhyming poetry please!!! by submitting your work to deep cleveland junkmail oracle, you affirm that you are the sole author of the work, and maintain all rights for your work. you also affirm that this work has not been previously published elsewhere either online, in print, or in any other medium, unless that has been disclosed in in advance and secondary publication rights have been agreed upon. if your work is accepted for publication, deep cleveland junkmail oracle acquires first north american serial rights to publish and reproduce your material online, in print, and in audio forms such as electronic file, cassette tape, or CD/CD-ROM multimedia format, and also for possible use in collaboration with other media outlets. after publication, all rights revert back to the author. by submitting material to deep cleveland junkmail oracle, you affirm that you have read and agree to all our submission guidelines. these guidelines are subject to change without notice. no rhyming poetry please!!! deep cleveland junkmail oracle reserves the right to discard without notice those submissions that do not follow our guidelines. send material by e-mail to or by snail mail to p.o. box 1025, medina, oh 44258. no, we can't return your work. but, thanks for asking.
no rhyming poetry please!!! no rhyming poetry please!!! no rhyming poetry please!!! |
copyright deep cleveland publishing, all rights reserved