judih haggai
"Lightburst from a Cactus Bubble: 25 Poems"
poet & artist judih haggai lives in kibbutz
nir oz in israel. i first became aware of her wonderous work
on the action-poetry forum that is a such an integral part of
the web site www.litkicks.com.
judih's poems are by turns playful, spiritual, humorous, erotic
& surreal, characterized by sweet puns & dueling wordplay,
his and her's psychic sacrifice, & dominated by a cosmic
feminine goddess instinct. judih is spontaneous light, god-mother
& angel overseer to many of the poets that post on litkicks.
i'm pleased to share with you this collection of 25 poems from
her voluminous body of work. e-mail her at judih@hotmail.com

Get that Straw outa his mouth!
Coca Cola's the gateway drug
sic em, mama, sic em
hang the dude
jeering from the slot machine
quarters they're the gateway issue
burn em, mama, burn em
toss em, mama, toss em
don't be blind
don't be fools
youse listenin to your conscience tools
catch what cha can
nip it in the bud
get that straw
before it gets you
handcuff the operator
straightjacket moderator
paranoia's lookin for you
i'd tell ya my name
but i'd have to kill ya
but you know
i'm here for you,
cause i'm the voice of warning
catch em, mama, watch em, mama
get that straw outa yo mouth
peel away the clouds of dust
deeper the slot
deeper the slide
in fast, falling in love
with shine, blast and noise
peel away the clouds of dust
rodeo, ride em, ho
peel back the shine
the slick
the humperdink
get to the real
and hump the empty inner tubes
within the vacuum paradise
sits a moment
a pearl
a chance
grab it
and release
the folly of fools
evaporate with the mist of champagne flurry
beneath the bubbles
comes the swoop of low
into it, open it
unencumbered with
the i awaits
status of an unknown
opening pages barely read
i write them anew
status up
compass over one eighty
under me everything winks
and froths
catch a rainbow
in fractal merriment
an unknown entity
abuses my moment
for unspecified agenda
i am so that she may be
frisk me...
look, ma, i'm anonymous
no minded procedure
curling the calendar
in calm acceptance
scraping the bottom of the rotation barrel
hop in
monkey men
when the zombies
walk, we'll know we've found
a sign
will we remember
wood nor we gin
or we gin
nor we tequila
nor we campari
lemon peeled
nor we
nor way
nor I
wood nor we
wouldn't or we
nor we gin wood
stuck on northern
glued past borealis
past over
where ever where
nor we
nor you
nor they wood
gin we paris oui
dent we
granola cure-iousity
when things fly low
when bombs sail close
when mortgages
and businesses
begin their landslide down
when glasses get lost
when coffee isn't hot
when tea
and poetry
lack spice
i call my friends
the ones with zest
and we get down
to granola cure-iousity
we eat health
in copious quantities
chewing our grain to assuage our pain
it aint a PhD
but its a remedy
and i invite you all
right Now
a mellow look at a pillar of salt
tossing and turning a fast look
from where i see it
we've come a short way
from seashell haven
once upon a time
i crawled in crocodile backlash
chomping thru tempestuous waters
i leaped upon lily pads
in evolutionary fervour
survival! fit to be tied
i sighed onto the nearest beach
eating coconuts, washing potatoes
i found myself expanding my repertoire
two plus two, along the avenue
Noah! save me, baby
inching onwards
past ETs and UFOs
i tossed my 3rd eye in the basket
of charms
snake oiled and massaged
into Thai omega
back home to waters
calm with human refuse
Ganges holy
sanskrit ohm, we
levitated to ratrace space
workin the land
and paintin it grey
was it just yesterday
they told me not to turn around...?
and here i go
riskin it all
for a mellow look
and a pillar of salt
Cousin Sand Dune
riding thru a storm
cousin sand dune smothers
my view
long lost relatives
sea shelled and shocked
dance in my eyelashes
my bicycle hip hops
over aunts and godmothers
tracing Moses and Inanna
in fossilled heads
please, trace my ancestry
as i stomp burial grounds
and travel fertile plains
now dust bound home
cousin sand dune
tripping thru ages
brush my backside moan
Daily Armageddon
i don't think i can wait
that long
riders of the purple sage
i'm not that strong
sitting on the fence
of the cataclysmic rodeo
buckin civilization
ridin that wild Medusa horn
steeper up Mount Sisyphus
daily armageddon
sufferin sweet bloody hellfire
cantcha see me blubberin
in lava laced chasms
drowning in my optimism
shouting 2012 like
some Seal of Solomon
solemn blessed ice picked
lord, i need my hit
hit me, brother
too long
been way there
and back
daily i lose
my head to deliverance
no more
get me gone
light thru trees
its a slow sunset hinting eve
thru leaves intent on pumping green
i love the sound of silent agreement
day has had its laughs
its cheers and chocolate treasures
as the whisper of pause takes hold
wait for me, i'll catch your shadow soon
in friendship and in parting
as light blinks thru stubborn leaves
and i rest my head on life
winds of electric air
fake Siberia conquers
winds blow in cinematic gulps
as if to chill skin from skin
distance in my thoughts of you
how quick illusion
jumps my bones
as if hypnosis is my only course
on horseback i dream of you
fields of sleighs and hammers
jingling in rampant haste
as if fast is our only choice
swiftly now, i'm exiled
Something about a well-placed watcher
There's something
that a well-placed watcher
can see
How he hopefully checks the scene
while she decorates for drama
he darts out for air
while she grandly enters
lost in a swinging door
of ill-placed timing
while the well-placed
watcher sighs at the follies and pains
lost desire in a bubbly atmosphere
of almost meetings
glasses unclinked
in a wrong-timed gesture
while her lipstick fades
and his crisp attitude wilts
and the curtain drops
before a long lost cue
the well-placed watcher
sighs in unwelcome view
Not my Type
he's not my type
he's alive
he's not my speed
he's intricate
he's not my kind
he's fanatic
he's not my kin
he's unrelated
he's not my world
he's hidden and huge
he's not my sex
he's XY more than any other guy
he's not my type
he's the core of sensation
he's out there
he's not my type
he's not my type
Leopard Mouth
shadowy, powdered horned toad
Leopard Mouth begins her snarl
vision of sleek stolen gods
louder than crackling underlings
She approaches -
glistening pools collective choir
crystal cool reverberation
eerie, away
i count the spheres
partitioning my space
i await the moon to call
spirit world restless
humping under the carpet
spirit world is restless
earth shattering windows
spirit world is waking
doors, roofs, rattling loose
spirit world is hissing
punches fly, shotguns load
spirit world is angry
tanks to fields, people flee
spirit world is roaring
bombs crash, flames climb
spirit world seeks vengeance
jesus born, buddha floats
mohammed mourns, moses sighs
prophets phlegm, goddesses sick
chaos builds, heaven faints
swords, flowers, dinosaurs
water steams, lava sears
why not give in. spirit world takes off
hitch a ride to genesis
toss aside your emptiness
catch the next wave out
strange animal squaredances on my roof
wind strong
heart pumped
united rapture
birdsong ancestry
blow love, blow infinite
partnering tornadoes
hurtling blades of ice
partying Olympus
my head longs for straight out squaredancing
my head is round
violin shaves haystack melodies
archived boot polish
hear the beat, beat beat
my arms long for crooked epiphanies
washboard philosophy
porch rotting hoe-down
strange animals chomp tabacky
on my rooftop
spittoon me to blackjack
aint no time
like now
strange animal squaredances on my roof
some prefer less
wild eyed borneo lover
gruff round the edges
the top and underneath it all
sympathizes with a tsk tsk
stop and smell the roses
he beckons
step through this swamp
and count the pearly whites
of a thousand tsetse flies
enjoy the sound of one jaw locking
upon the delicate forest frogs
listen, pause
and hold the claws
of FAte before It chomps your gesture
some prefer less
than Sarajevo, he coos
come, move into my cave
among glaciers
my home in sizzling lava
rest your brave heart
and join me in paradise
Between songs
i'd like to sing
my heart out to you
but i'm between songs
in breath
out of love
out of beat
between bars
between chairs
between the in and ex of hale
tween you and me
i'm hardly found
Feeling my Addiction
feeding my
feeling my
fearing my ADDiction
my surplus
of distraction
waiting for you
to zero me in
lost and aimless
in a mind of everywhere
listening for
watching your
hungry for a trace of You
feeling my ADD
sensing i'm nowhere
while feeding my addiction
my zen pretension
draws me to meditation
and i find my glory Self
an elf in a cracker box
a toy in cracker jax
i hope for you
i turn volumes of guitars
from small boxes
i dance to Villa Lobos
i sing to Robert Plant
feeling my ADDiction
i want more
collage of sense and passion
joining us
in present space
bright beyond possible
all over you, i'd devour your beauty
in light nibbles and large
no constancy but always loving
feeding my addiction
appetites fly into the wind
as i try to reel them in.
rumbling underlings
quiet backlash
as rumbling underlings
dismiss the past
no good, delete, remove
from historical fact
mumbling disillusions
moulted skins aside
re-born misery
full frontal revelation
scraping ego under rugs
hiding outbursts
whitewashing fooleries
double bass backdrop
soprano waiting in the wings
while silence screams
she's always been here
ready for embrace
look beyond indulgences
open thoughts anew
listen while constant decibels
sing straight through to you.
lightburst from a cactus bubble
spiked dice
bubbling out of geysers
pop the painted eye
watch rays of light
codes of boomerang intent
again, look again
keep your eye on the motive
soul cleared intimacy
interlock us all
in jigsaw fate
branches brush your hair
when i remember
those branches dripping winter promises
your lips speaking in snowbound heat
you called my name, the wind called harder
you, again and again
as branches brushed your hair
on bended knee you'd sing to me
mouth to lip
tongue to longing
as i walk through whispers
left on my heartstep
i melt like an icicle
blown wide
in nurtured sunburst
You, Yeti in full blooded
stark raving fear
tossing love like medallions
feeding self in starvation
when i think of you
i pull forest twigs
from your hair
and suck the sap of life
invisible friends
when i was older
than a horse's glee
i spoke to the invisible source
of knowledge
we'd ride in silent glens
over hills and dales
invented then
not much higher than i am today
high enough to listen
we'd speak in song
and free verse
revelling in memories
of lifetimes lived
so soon, it all came true
me and you
gone into things we'd gone through
invisible friends we were
too hard to explain
to those who can't see
but you and me
reach out and grab hold
of others in tune
we resonate
like magic come quickly
a buzz and a laugh
and we're embracing love
dark hear
one just one more
one more just
one more
hey reply
one all
damn all
alone and waiting
for you
speak baby
talk to me
one more time
before the blazing crows
fly through that one-way tunnel
Move on
we squeeze our anxiety
for traces of pure inspiration
looking for angels
in soul compost
we walk through our dumpster
we search for innocent sprouts
we stomp demons
while we flay open innocence
grabbing hands
we wait for commands
Wrong Door
Wrong Path
Wrong Time
but filth smirks
and hope belches
we grab hands
we steal contact
we devour our embrace
one flick of a cloud
and we're home again
soulsafe and energized
we, magic mushrooms
inner fire ablaze
in alchemy
and in destiny
we move on
soft reflections going nowhere
wandering softly now
bleeding into cosmic melt
blurring long gone fantasy
painting the connection
linking love through all
soundless song erratic
a swish of thought
immense, self-confident
claiming past in crucial
walking selfless thru self
embracing moments as here
swallowing life like a kiss
soft reflections going nowhere
exhaling hope anew