featured artists & photographers
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mark coburn
washington d.c./baltimore artist and poet mark coburn is known
as the wireman. his wire sculptures can be seen at paper rock
scissors gallery (www.paperrockscissors.com) and also minas
gallery in baltimore. he performs poetry on Tuesday nights at
funks coffee house, 1818 eastern ave., fells point, baltimore.
his own web site, www.wiremansculptures.com, is coming soon.
no larger-size versions of these images are available.

Celtic Man |

Elephant |

Great White Shark |

Growling Lion |

Self Portrait |

Stegasaurus |
duane locke
duane locke, a writer, painter and photographer, has had 116
of his photos selected for appearance on e zines. he photographs
trash in alleys: moves in close to find beauty in what people
have thrown away.
jim kelly
jim kelly, one of the few people in the united states who can
speak with dogs using that high pitch that is inaudible to human
ears, travels all over the country, and on a recent trip to the
famous cadillac ranch near amarillo texas, took these photographs.
he says he has no idea how the words deepcleveland.com ended
up on the roof of a partially buried cadillac.