mark s kuhar, aka markk
is a cleveland, ohio-based writer, poet & editor
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prose and poetry have appeared in the following magazines, journals and ezines: whiskey island, northern ohio live, centerlight, the american srbobran, ohio on-line, big bridge, sidereality, the city, tin lustre mobile, american motor thought, litvert, muse apprentice guild, eratio, mannequin envy quarterly, studio 8, admit2, cool cleveland, The Crisis Chronicles, & The Muse. . .
also in the anthologies: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind: poets on 9/11" (regent press); "america zen" (bottom dog press); "action poetry" (litkicks press); the 2005 Hessler Anthology; "Cleveland in Prose and Poetry (League Press); "sometimes city undercovers" (bottle of smoke press/rose of sharon press); and "the long march of cleveland," "ornamental iron," "anthologese the next," "mac's turns a new trick," and "You Can't Hither Than That You Caint," (green panda press), artcrimes #21; infinite tide (studio eight books); trim (a mannequin envy anthology); Moonlit #2; and cleveland poetry scenes (bottom dog press).
a chapbook, "acrobats in catapult twist," is available through seven beers & a hedgehog press; the chapbooks "laughing in the ruins of chippewa lake park," & "e40th & pain: poems from deep cleveland," are available on deep cleveland press; an ebook of poetry, "fractured rapture," was published on; poems have also been published as part of the 24th Street Irregular Press "poems-for-all" mini-poetry-book series, and the Bottom Dog Press Populist Poems series.
he . . .
is listed on the cleveland poetry archive site right here.
was featured in the book Cleveland Poetry Scenes, by Bottom Dog Press.
was an honorable mention winner in the Akron Art Museum's 2003 New Words Poetry Contest; and a 2006 PWLGC "Writers & Their Friends" show honoree.
has read his work on national public radio's local affiliate, WCPN 90.3 FM, & on george bilgere's poetry show "wordplay" on WJCU 88.7 FM
is the founder of the deep cleveland poetry hour, a live monthly spoken-word event at borders bookstore, strongsville, ohio.
has published nonfiction in a wide variety of local & national business, consumer & on-line publications.
is a graduate of ohio university (BA 1980), athens, ohio, with a degree in english/creative writing.
is the former editor of ohio writer magazine.
is a former board member of the Medina County Arts Council.
read the interview piece: "fear and trembling in deep cleveland" which appeared in 3am magazine.
read the "tin lustre inner-view" which appeared in tin lustre mobile magazine.
read "ingenious" which appeared in cool cleveland.
Places where he has read poetry in and around the cleveland area . . .
borders books and music, strongsville; loganberry books, cleveland; gallery 324, downtown cleveland; shaker hts. public library; mac's backs, cleveland hts; oriana house rehab center, cleveland; the old jailhouse, kent; cleveland public library, downtown cleveland; wcpn fm, downtown cleveland; public square, downtown cleveland; mall c, downtown cleveland; public square, medina; medina country community library; the literary cafe, tremont; trinity cathedral, downtown cleveland; firelands college, vermilion; kent state university stark campus, canton; barking spider, cleveland; akron art museum.
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Outsider writer page here
Facebook link here
Good Wine Communication (GWC) page here