featured photos from levyfest 2005 . . .


Panel discussion featuring (l to r) ingrid swanberg, d.r. wagner, joel lipman & michael basinski

This photo needs no explanation

t.l. kryss, poet/artist

russell salamon, poet/artist

display of 1960s-era publications

kent taylor, poet/nicest guy on earth

kon petrochuk discusses his film
"if i scratch, if i write"

ingrid swanberg, poet/scholar

levy poems projected


george fitzpatrick, artist

dagmar and d.r.


steve ferguson, poet/artist

d.r. wagner, poet/artist


chapbooks on display


collage by d.a. levy


"working out the problems of the universe
thinking weird thoughts
writing paranoid poems about the police
nothing to do except
change the kitty litter, take out the garbage"

-- d.a. levy

from The North American Book of the Dead




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comments: deepcleveland@hotmail.com